Well, it finally happened…

We finally received some serious snow fall. Recent storms left about 3″ of snow – most of the season so far. Then the sun came out, the wind finally calmed down, and it looks so beautiful outside. BUT, wind chill temperatures are in the -20 to -10 degrees. So, I have been staying close to the fireplace.

We usually see large numbers of birds at our feeders, but that’s not the case. I blame 3 cats that seem to have added our yard to their daily walk about. Yesterday, however, I saw a small number of Dark-eyed Juncos on our deck, in the pine tree and scratching for food under the feeders where the squirrels had made a mess.

Dark-eyed Junco Junco on the deckNow I’m on the lookout for more!!

All these cold temps have me thinking of warmer climes. Opening a box in the man cave that had not been opened since our move out of ND (2005) I came across photo albums, and prints from a previous life. I took these pictures when Kathy & I were in New Orleans in the 1990’s – before digital cameras were reasonably priced. We were staying near the French Quarter and would wander around this unique neighborhood.

RiverBoat SaxPlayer



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Merry Christmas

Woke up this morning to a Christmas tree surrounded by more packages than one could count. Luckily, Santa brought our 4-yr old nephew a new remote controlled firetruck as there was a report of a light bulb out on the tree. Well, his fire brigade jumped into action to take care of the problem before there were bigger problems. It turned into a 7-Alarm call with seven pieces of equipment on scene. The problem was resolved just in time for all to enjoy a quiet, smoke-free breakfast.


Here’s a closeup of the new rig. The unit comes complete with an internal Water Tank (Mom & Dad’s most “loved” feature) for the snorkel. “Not in the house,” was the verbal order issued by headquarters.


The “Brigade Commander” – aka Nephew – was caught taking a photo of the new rig with his new Lego Camera. Look closely and you can see the front end of the truck in the LCD screen on his camera.


Their Toucan “popped out” of the greenery to wish us and all of you a “Merry Christmas” and a “Happy New Year.”

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Indian Summer…

…appears to be gone for this year. We just had our first significant, measurable (4″) snow. What is unusual is that the snowfall was not accompanied by 30 mph winds. Thus, the soft, dry, fluffy snow piled up on everything. The bottom has fallen out of the thermometer. Temps down to 0° with a windchill of -15°.

I think it is safe to say that the residents of this house have gone south for the winter…

Bird House Covered in snowMay each of you have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.


Posted in Birds, iPhoneography, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

These are “beary” good

It is hard to believe that our trip to Yellowstone where we met the Grandkids (and their parents) happened over a year ago. We were there in early September and had a great visit. We were staying near Jackson Hole and drove up to Yellowstone each day.

As we drove back to the condo on our first day out we drove through Grand Teton park on a narrow country road. We rounded one curve to find cars parked along both sides of the road. There was barely enough room for a car to drive through the “parking lot.” Cars stopped along side the road is usually an indication that there is something (usually an animal) to see. We slowed down – had to for all the parked cars and crazy pedestrians – and began looking in the direction people were pointing.

We saw nothing and slowly continued our forward progress. When we were in the midst of this craziness we finally saw what everyone was looking at – a Black Bear sitting in a tree very close to the road enjoying a meal of berries. We were so close to the bear that I had trouble getting my camera to focus on the bear. And, people were out of their cars even closer to the bear than we were and we were in the car!!!

Black Bear in a tree

Made a few clicks – I had to have Kathy move the car forward a few feet so I could focus on the bear – and got out of there before the bear decided to eat something (someone?) other than berries…

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Fall is Here

A couple of weeks ago Kathy & I met up with good friends in Nauvoo, IL. Nauvoo is an historical site associated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). We toured both Nauvoo and Carthage – a few miles away.

It was great catching up with our friends and visiting these historical sites and learning more about the church’s history. I was also intrigued by the fall colors and the Geese migrating to their winter quarters. Thus these photos.
Cackling Geese

These geese (Cackling Geese I believe), illuminated by the afternoon sun, were moving from the river to their night time safe area.


Even though the trees were very colorful, this lone leaf – laying in the parking lot – caught my attention. People going to their cars in the parking lot were probably scratching their heads when they saw this photographer taking pictures of the asphalt.

Sunset on the River

Along the banks of the Mississippi River. What a beautiful view.

Back home after a fun trip I found this “Red” tree in a neighborhood here in town. Wow, what color… and so close to home. It pays to have a camera with you at all times.

Red TreeToday the wind is blowing in the 20 – 25 mph range. The beautiful color will not be on the trees very much longer. Piles of colorful leaves are in the future.


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Florida Potpourri

One week past and one week to go. Kathy & I are in the Florida Panhandle with our Nephew & his parents (important people first).  :grin: We would go out early hunting for photo ops before the heat/humidity/dew point got to their usual high values.

Enclosed are a few photo subjects that paused for a quick photo – or didn’t mind me taking their picture while they went about their daily activities.

We went to the Naval Live Oaks Nature Preserve just East of Gulf Breeze, FL. Then it was over the bridge and through the sand dunes to the Fort Pickens Unit of Gulf Island National Seashore where my “Old-timers” pass for National Parks saved us some money – again!

May have to get out the rain gear for next week. The forecast looks wet (liquid sunshine).

Off to dinner and more water fights with the Nephew in their pool.

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The “Hummers” are back in town…

Hummer vehicle

No… Not these Hummers…  :grin:

… These Hummers!

Ruby-throated Hummingbird feedingI finally got around to putting out the Hummingbird feeder. It has been so hot this summer that I have been remiss in keeping the feeders filled. I was “sure” that the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (the species that we see here – if we see any at all) had continued their migration to winter quarters. I still can’t fathom the thousands of miles these little guys travel during their migration.

My neighbor told me he had “hummers” at his feeder so I just had to get in on the action myself. He and I have a friendly competition when it comes to our feeders and the resulting diners.

As you can see above, indeed these fabulous little birds are still around. Had diners within 2 hours of putting out the feeder. At times two will fight for their turn at the feeder.

Also, if you look closely on the feeder below the “Hummer” you can see a second diner. The bees and the ants just love the hummingbird liquid.


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Fun in the sun…

… in Louisiana. As mentioned in the previous post, I was doing some bird photography around Lafayette, LA, a couple of weeks back while Kathy slaved away in a workshop – in air conditioned comfort!!

I went North, South, East & West from Lafayette. I went early in the morning and returned to air conditioned comfort in the hotel by noon. They were setting records for heat and humidity. I found a variety of birding locations – fields, drainage ditches, rookeries, streams. It was amazing to see all the different habitats.

If you look closely at the picture of multiple Great Egrets you will see one that is not white. This bird is a pale blue or gray. The normal coloring of a great Egret is white. I have (and still am seeking) sought expert input on identifying this bird. One of the Naturalists with the Nebraska Wildlife Commission thinks it might be caused by some degree of melanism. Others think it may just be in shadows. Your thoughts?

Dog sitting for a 2-yr old Doberman and she insists on going out RIGHT NOW. Bye.


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