I managed to crash my web page the other day while trying to update the software – I hate it when that happens. Well, after a long, quiet afternoon in the hotel room, I think I am back up and running. At least it is letting me type this and think I am in control.
Was planning to get pictures from our trip to Israel up before now, but (fill in your favorite excuse here)…
As I said in the title line, we are traveling again. Kathy is at a conference in Leesburg, VA, from Sunday to Thursday, a Board of Directors meetings today and tomorrow, and more committee meetings next Friday and Saturday. Me, I have to go to places like the Udvar-Hazy Museum, The Washington Mall, Bird Sanctuaries, and occasionally do a load or two of laundry.
In the mean time, the pictures show a bit of life in our backyard in Georgia. Max – our Goldendoodle – loves to be outdoors (as long as we come with him). He keeps the squirrels off the bird feeders, rids the yard of unwanted sticks, tennis balls, baseballs left over from the previous owner, and anything else that moves slower than he does. We have one “Butterfly Bush” and hope to have more some day. You can see just a few of the visitors to that bush.
Until next post, be safe, be kind and God bless you and yours.